Tag Archives: Tim Gold (ティム・ゴールド)

Tim vs. Dave – Cobra Twist (Lineart by 09tuf)

ィム・ゴールドVSデイブ・シルバー (コブラツイスト)

Original Line Art: 09tuf (http://09tuf.deviantart.com)
Original Colored Version: Ab Stretch (Art by 09tuf)
Digital Color: Detective Mask
Special thanks to nicehunter for providing the lineart

Tim Gold and Dave Silver are characters originally created by nicehunter (http://nicehunter.deviantart.com)

Extra Notes:

Over at DeviantArt, nicehunter commissioned a series of wrestling artworks to 09tuf featuring his characters Tim and Dave. Admittedly, those artworks were really well done. There were just two problems: first, some of the art ain’t PG. And secondly, the characters were furry.

The first problem has one easy solution: don’t post it in my site. Like I said before, this is a PG site (especially since I realized lately that some kids actually like my work on Facebook). For the second problem, the solution was simply to turn them into human characters. And thankfully, there really are human versions of those characters.

I chose this drawing because the Cobra Twist (Abdominal Stretch) one of my favorite pro-wrestling holds. 09tuf really did a good job of drawing this piece, and I’m glad to give this some new life. Later, I plan on using the other drawings in the Tim vs. Dave series.

Now you may be a bit distracted by the familiar background. You might even be thinking. “Hey, that looks like some underground wrestling organization owned by a wildcat kid or something.” Well, let’s just say it was an inspiration for this background. Anyway, as nicehunter to me himself, this wrestling ring would be perfect for these two. 😀


I hope you guys enjoy this piece.