Tag Archives: Tiger Mask W [タイガーマスクW]

TIGER MASK W: Naoto Azuma

Naoto Azuma (Tiger Mask W)【タイガーマスクW】 東ナオト

漫画: タイガーマスクW
Manga/Anime: Tiger Mask W

私はあなたがそれを好き願っています。 あなたのフィードバックは非常に高く評価されています。
I hope you will like it. I would appreciate your feedback for this drawing.

Extra Notes:

Today will be the first broadcast of the pro-wrestling anime Tiger Mask W. This is probably the first time that I have been extremely excited over the first airing of a Japanese anime. And it couldn’t be helped, because finally we are having the shonen pro-wrestling anime we’ve all been waiting for years.

To celebrate this occasion, I decided to draw the Tiger Mask of this generation: Naoto Azuma. To be clear, since this is Tiger Mask W, that means there’s another Tiger Mask in the form of Tiger the Dark. Still, he’s the one who actually follows the lineage of the Tiger Mask character.

The concept for this piece was based on an old DVD cover featuring the first Tiger Mask anime. A quick Google search should be able to help you view that DVD cover.

Admittedly, I did have a tough time making this as good as possible. So hopefully, the final outcome did bring out the pro-wrestler in him.


“Tiger Mask W”: Be a Tiger

Tiger Mask W

Tiger Mask W

【タイガーマスクW】 BE A TIGER

漫画: タイガーマスクW
Manga/Anime: Tiger Mask W

私はあなたがそれを好き願っています。 あなたのフィードバックは非常に高く評価されています。
I hope you will like it. I would appreciate your feedback for this drawing.


Extra Notes:

The Manga Pro-Wrestling website is officially one year old.  As such, I thought the best way to celebrate this occasion is by making a fan art of one of the pioneers in pro-wrestling manga. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Tiger Mask.

Actually, this is Tiger Mask from “Tiger Mask W”, an upcoming sequel in the Tiger Mask anime franchise. Although the anime hasn’t been released yet, I’m really thrilled and excited that a pro-wrestling anime is in the works at the moment. It’s even more exciting to see it in the modern shonen anime format (in the same way that Pro-Wrestling Koushien, a shonen pro-wrestling manga, used the current trends in shonen manga). Hopefully, a release date will be revealed anytime soon.

At this point, I’d like to thank everyone for your support in the Manga Pro-Wrestling website. I hope to release more works in the years to come, especially with the return of Tiger Mask.

As I said before, it’s definitely a great time to be a wrestling artist.