Tag Archives: Kuroko’s Basketball [黒子のバスケ]

Taiga Suplex! (Kuroko vs. Kagami)

Taiga Suplex

It’s the pro-wrestling which Kuroko — and Kagami — play. Unfortunately for Tetsuya Kuroko, Taiga Kagami attacks him with a pro-wrestling move that’s appropriately named the Taiga Suplex.

Pro-Wrestling Technique: Tiger Suplex (Performer: Tiger Mask)

Manga/Anime: Kuroko’s Basketball


Author’s Note:

I’m not too familiar with Kuroko’s Basketball, but I’ve heard much about it from the various fan posts in the Net. That’s how I got to know a bit about who Taiga Kagami and Tetsuya Kuroko are.

Not too long ago, I had this random idea: what if I let Taiga Kagami perform a Tiger Suplex and rename it as the Taiga Suplex? Get it? Tiger –> Taiga? Hahaha…haha…yeah, just a really silly idea that I set aside for a while.

When I learned that the Kuroko’s Basketball manga will end a few days from now, I decided to materialize this silly idea of mine. (My entrepreneurial side working yet again.)

I originally wanted to make Aomine be the one being suplexed, if only to make the match look a bit fair. But hey, if Kuroko’s Basketball is going to end already, I might as well let Kuroko be in this match, even if he has a clear height & weight disadvantage in this.

In hindsight, maybe I would’ve been better off using the Taiga girl in Toradora instead, since Taiga Kagami seems to be referred more as Kagami. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this. Your constructive feedback is highly appreciated. :D

(Originally posted on August 30, 2014)